Thursday, October 25, 2007


The sites more appeal to me were Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, and Bill Richardson. First of all I admired Hillary and Giuliani and I find interesting Richardson campaing. All of them have the same interest get the popular vote. However, the way Hillary campaing is more personal. She has direct contact with the middle class and more family oriented. All focuses on Health care at different levels. Richardson and Giuliani has more in common both are focus on Iraq, Energy, Health Care, and Immigration. Hillary on the other hand differ from both of them and the only goals in common are Iraq heath issues.

Giuliani wants to end illigal immigration, secure borders, cut taxes, and make an affordable health care. He wants to increase adoption and decrease abortions. He is a leader and has a very strong desire to prepare everyone for terrist attacks.

Giuliani serve two terms as mayor.

Bill Richardson wants to reform immigration and secure borders. He thinks that is time to make a choice in Iraq. He promese to follow the Constitution America needs and deserves without trampling on the Constitution and personal freedoms. Very positive comment about him. Dave Ontario said in his comment. "United States no longer can afford on-the-job diplomatic training and needs a President with the kind of international expereience that only Bill Richardson has."

Hillary on the other hand focussed on people. She is determine to provide a better health program. She has the vision and the experience to make it a reality. She promote Energy indeprendence and fighting global warming. She promise to end war in Iraq. She is very consious, simple, and compation. By doing a bus road she has gain the symphaty of the middle cass citizens.

I definitely will cast my vote for Hillary. I admired a woman with such determination, good heart, and humble. I wil vote prospective because I beleived in her and I have faith that she will do more than anybody else for the ones needed the most.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Responsible party elections: It is the first way that two-party sistem affect democratic control of governmen.

Prospective votin model: Voters are interested and capable of deciding what government will do in the future.

Electoral competition: Parties compete for votes by taking the most popular positions they can.

Media voter: The exact midpoint of the political spectrum.

Electoral reward and punishment: election in which voters judge how will a group in power has govern and decides if they want this group to continue in office.

Retrospective: Votings look for how well incumbent offcials have done in the past.

Franchise: Each state determine who within its borders was elegible to vote.

Suffrage: The ability to vote, firmly in place for most adult white males in the United States.

Electoral College: The election of the president, even with the existence of its electoral college has become more directly democratic.

Paties began letting voters select many conventions delegates directly in primary elections instead of having party activists choose then in political party conventions in each state.

Caucus: Nominating system use in Iowa. Party supporters and activists hold wide meetints to select delegates.

Caucuses: Instead of primaries few states use Caucuses where active party members and offcials gather in meetings around the states to choose delegates who in turn select the delegates to the national conventions.

Some primaries are open to all voters and some are closed only for those whom register with the party holding the primary elections.

Superdelagates are usually members of congress or local offcials.

Convention: The gathering has become a coronation ceremony in which delegates ratify the selection of the leading candidate.

Electors: The out come of presidential election is determine on the votes in the electoral college. A vote for a presidential candidate whose name appears of the ballot is the actually vote for a state of electors in their state.

Plurality: Magnifies the popular support of winners. A candidate who wins in many states by narrow margin can win a landslide in the electoral college.

Plurality is more than anybody else but less than a majority of all votes.

Los voting Turnout: Rose sharply during nineteenth century and declined in thwenteeth century. In 2004 increased dramatically.

Referenda: Voters go to the polls to make voting choices for a multitude of federal states, and local offices. Often decide on constitutional and policies measures put on the ballot by state legistatures.

Initiatives: Specially in states such as California and Colorado. Many potential voters are overwhelmed by the complexity of the ballot.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I drop Xavier Becerra because eventhough he has 105 legistations he has not done anything new to increase points since I had choose him.

I replace the above candidate for Haward Berman, democrata from California. I identify myself with him. He was born in an average community such is Panorama City. He has been a California Assembly for twenty four years. Been in one possition for very long capture my attention and trust.

Friday, October 5, 2007


In my team the best performance goes to Barbara Boxer and the lowest performance to Xavier Becerra.

Barbara with 140 Legislation, 109 Cosponsors, three news, and 94 attendance. Barbara is working to overrrule for a potential veto to a bill for founds of flood control projects in Sacramento. Work is under way to chose up Folson Dam, that provide water around the state. She has 7 cosponsors fro a bill to empower women in Afghanistan. Eleven cosponsors on Public Buildings Cost Reduction Act of 2007.

Savier Becerra, Allsatar is not dion well with zero Legislation, zero news, and zero attendance. He has 0.83 RBA and 158 cosponsors to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to repeal the Medicare outpation rehabilitation therapy.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Immigration a heat topic during the last few months. President Bush even though of sending our troops to the border with Mexico. On the other hand Mike Gravel affirm to understand immigrants. He says that immigrants are common people who comes to work seeking for better life. KGET suggest that everyone one should go back to their countries, so Americans see the real America free of immigrants.Who gets what, when, and how.Americans get what they want be free from immigrants.Politicians gets their vote on election day