Thursday, October 25, 2007


The sites more appeal to me were Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, and Bill Richardson. First of all I admired Hillary and Giuliani and I find interesting Richardson campaing. All of them have the same interest get the popular vote. However, the way Hillary campaing is more personal. She has direct contact with the middle class and more family oriented. All focuses on Health care at different levels. Richardson and Giuliani has more in common both are focus on Iraq, Energy, Health Care, and Immigration. Hillary on the other hand differ from both of them and the only goals in common are Iraq heath issues.

Giuliani wants to end illigal immigration, secure borders, cut taxes, and make an affordable health care. He wants to increase adoption and decrease abortions. He is a leader and has a very strong desire to prepare everyone for terrist attacks.

Giuliani serve two terms as mayor.

Bill Richardson wants to reform immigration and secure borders. He thinks that is time to make a choice in Iraq. He promese to follow the Constitution America needs and deserves without trampling on the Constitution and personal freedoms. Very positive comment about him. Dave Ontario said in his comment. "United States no longer can afford on-the-job diplomatic training and needs a President with the kind of international expereience that only Bill Richardson has."

Hillary on the other hand focussed on people. She is determine to provide a better health program. She has the vision and the experience to make it a reality. She promote Energy indeprendence and fighting global warming. She promise to end war in Iraq. She is very consious, simple, and compation. By doing a bus road she has gain the symphaty of the middle cass citizens.

I definitely will cast my vote for Hillary. I admired a woman with such determination, good heart, and humble. I wil vote prospective because I beleived in her and I have faith that she will do more than anybody else for the ones needed the most.


Yohan said...

I would vote for Hillary too because base on her website she promised 10 things. I read all 10 proposals and it's very appealing to me. But first thing really caught my mind is that number 1 is to end the war in Iraq. I hate war, either good or bad, war should of never started. Also, Hillary has really good supporters and sponsers. On the other hand, Giuliani is very strong opponents. He knows its important to address the issues on illegal immigration, cut taxes and affordable health care.I learned that Mccain is a war hero and he is a strong leader but, his web doens't appeal as good as other. He tried to put the POW thing and his heroic act in vietnam. Since, war in Iraq is going on, that doesn't really fit the agenda and it might appeal other potential voters to avoid him because of the war.
I agree with connie about Hillary's focus on people, middle class and being humble. I will vote prospective for Hillary because she offers the things I want to be done and she is really conviencing.

Tamar said...
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Tamar said...

Rudy's website made me realize he is very passionate about his position. He uses words that the American people understand such as offense..who doesnt watch football now a days?? He makes commitments such as securing the borders and finding the people who aren't citizens in America. He wants the people to know that America's borders are safe. I get the feeling he has this role that he wants to be a father to America. I also like how his website has both writings and videos that make it easier for the viewers to understnad and make choices becuse sometimes to much reading will only confuse a person. He is a very good opponent for the democratic party, but Hillary Clinton's simplicity makes voting for her easier because she uses simple words, simple ideas that we all favor, and gets the point accross. She doesnt go on and on about bla bla this and that. She sticks to the points that effect all Americans. She views problems with the eyes of a single person, and that of a family. To sum it all up i would prospectivly vote for hillary because like i said on Nalin's comment i think its time America takes a chance with a woman and have her do the right job that hasn't been done over the last elections.

Nelson V said...

interesting that everyone here seems to support hilary. Based on visiting their websites and looking through them a bit i would most likely agree, there are a lot of issues that sound like good ideas.

However, i also feel that she often tries to appeal to everyone with her actions.

I have yet to see her offend someone with a stern opinion that differs from the popular one. It almost seems like she will compromise her opinion to be in track with the general populations opinions, which while the people like it, is not always the best solution for us as a whole. An example is taxation, we would most certainly not want any drastic tax increases, but it might be necessary to improving our current situation.

As far as voting, i always try to vote prospectively because while the past is a good indicator of the future, it is ultimately still in the past, and therefore cannot be changed.

so currently i plan to vote for Obama, because right now i see him as the lesser evil, and that maybe it is time for some fresher blood. with less time in congress, we can hope he may mix things up around a little bit.

Jeff D. said...

Like Nelson, I also wonder why so many are jumping on Hillary's bandwagon. Is it because she's a woman? Or, because she's a Clinton? Or, because she wants to nationalize our healthcare industry? Or what? Help me understand...